Interlude: Speculating on speculation
The desire to write in ways that are less expository and more exploratory
As I embark upon navigating away from writing that explains things, that gathers what I've seen in ways that require I trace my path through elaborate and tedious citation, it occurs to me I'm entering into the contentious world of speculative narrative. Speculation is often frowned upon because it's pure interpretation that cannot be quantified. It's purely subjective, without objectivity. It causes trouble.
I feel, however, the real trouble with this is when speculative authors attempt to pass off their work as factual or historical; or, when readers take it and run with it as such. And I am extremely suspicious of sweeping, ecstatic prose that speaks almost too beautifully to concrete matters—I know the power of rhetoric and its ability to carry us readers away into depths that loosen the footing in our own thoughts, opinions, and criticality. So I want to make it clear: the writing that I’m hoping to produce from now on is entirely reflective and interpretive—not fact, not citation, not expository, not history. Although I know that I won’t be able to escape fact, citation, exposition, and history entirely; what I want is to demonstrate how inspired I actually feel. I want for anything I think, write and share to be a point of departure for your own research, thoughts, musings, and opinions. What I have to say is not a terminus. It’s not even particularly original or singular. What it is, is part of a lineage along a continuum of what so many others have said before me, and what many more will say after.
It's scary, because if I do this right, I'm going to talk more boldly about unquantifiable things, spiritual things, personal things. I fear alienation, disqualification, and isolation in naming them. I care so much about creating multiple open pathways for people to enter into the work of thought, ideas, and imagination; as if somehow by naming, illustrating, or describing my own experiences or notions I'll bar the way for others to have theirs. But I know, in spite of my training, in spite of this, the neutral tone, the removal of self, objectivity is a lie. I've told this to so many students so many times. The personal is universal. Tell your stories so that others may find their own.
The line between our inner, immaterial worlds and our outer material ones may often blur. Sometimes the temptation to slip back into the dream is profoundly irresistible; to stay and dwell there. But we are not separate from the body, the concrete reality beneath our feet where material conditions continue to press against us. So we can’t live solely within the space of ideology, theories, thought experiments, and dreams. Ideas and thought must be catalysts to act in our material world, thought must inspire action to effect change. I think sharing stories, dreams, interpretations, allegories, metaphor, and personal experiences can lead to such change. Through these, we find our commonalities, the overlaps between us. So let us share our stories together; may they build a pathway to our collective work and worldbuilding. If you feel compelled and comfortable, I hope these writings will spark discussion in the Discord—share your opinions, riff on the theme, things you’ve been reading! We’re building something meaningful together here, that is what I believe.
I hope you’re all having a great week so far. More to come, soon!